March 23, 2008

Writing Task1: Useful Words

Some useful words in IELTS writing task 1 that can be used especially in describing charts and graphs.

Expressing Ups :
rocket, soar, improve, bound/ bounce, rise, grow, escalate, increase, above trend, levitate, shoot up, jump up, surge, enhance, climb, upwards, hike/ boom, leap/ leapt.

Expressing Downs:
plunged, crash down, tumble, fall (down), fall over, collide, decrease, shrink, sink, drop, jump, down, dive, turn down, decline, reduce, descend, plummet

Other Expressions
hover, stay close, constant, remain stable, linger, hang around, went ups and downs, fluctuate, turn around, rotate/ revolve, reach the peak/ climax, recover, reach the lowest point, hit a low/ the highest point, dip, by pass, take over/ took over, overtake

approximately, steady, slowly, slightly, fairly, moderately, subsequently, significantly, suddenly, sharply/ rapidly, dramatically, quickly, erratically, irregularly, gradually, restlessly, simultaniously, fitfully

Please add more from your collections!!

Submitted by: Roni Wahyudi, Canberra

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